Friday 27 July 2007

Una started dancing/Una je pocela da igra

In her playpen though and with her arms only but not too bad for a three weeks old... It looks like Serbian/Greek dancing style, blood is thicker than water :)


U ogradici doduse i samo rukicama ali nije los za nekog ko ima samo tri nedelje ... I to na srpski/grcki nacin, krv nije voda :)


Lisa Trapman said...

Una is absolutely gorgeous and so great to see pictures of her...loving the whole blog me something to do inbetween changing nappies and feeding..better than housework! Hope to see you guys over the coming weeks once we have a routine in order.


Branix said...

Hej, imamo igracicu! Svaka cast - upravo tako krv nije voda. Ih kad Una prohoda...
Te stvari se odmah jos u krevecu vide.