Tuesday 25 March 2008

Bakina i dekina maza/ Una is getting spoilt rotten by her grandparents

Baka i deka su kod nas od pocetka marta i najkrace receno super nam je svima. Narocito Uni. Oni je kupe iz vrtica danima kad ide u vrtic oko 1:30 (oni su bili za to da ona uopste ne ide u vrtic dok su tu, ali zbog kontinuiteta ipak mora da ide bar pola dana) i posle se igraju sa njom, hrane je, sve u svemu maze je dok mi ne dodjemo. A i posle. Mark i ja takodje uzivamo jer vikendom i danima kad ne radimo, kad Una odluci u 6:30 da je bilo dosta spavanja, baka i deka je uzimaju a mi nastavljamo da spavamo jos sat-dva. Svi koji su se budili nekoliko puta nocu zbog bebe znaju koliko ovaj sat-dva znaci, to se ne moze opisati. Kad se tome doda da nas posle posla na stolu ceka vecera, ne treba vise nista da pricam. Njihov odlazak se priblizava, ostalo je jos par dana, ali bicemo tuzni u nedelju, do tad svi uzivamo!
P.S. Slike cemo postaviti uskoro - baterije u fotoaparatu su crkle i moramo da kupimo nove.
Una's baka i deka (grandma and grandpa) are visiting us, from about the beginning of March. To say the least we are all enjoying it thoroughly. Starting with Una - on days that she goes to creche, they fetch her around 1:30pm (they really wanted to look after her whole days but in order to keep some continuity we decided to have her go half days). After that, they feed her, play with her, sing to her, all in all spoil her rotten until we come home from work. And after that too. Mark and I are enjoying it thoroughly too, on weekends when Una decides that she had enough sleep at 6:30am they sneak into our room, take her and we continue sleeping for another hour or two. All of you who ever woke up a few times a night because of a baby know how precious these couple of hours are. And if you add that dinner is on the table when we get home, well, need I say more? Their stay is coming to its end, they are here until the end of this week which makes us all very sad, but we will be sad on Sunday, until then we are all going to have fun!

P.S. Photos to come, our camera batteries are dead and we have to buy new ones.

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