Wednesday 29 October 2008

Brother and sisters/Brat i sestre

I am more than two weeks late with this post and the photos but lately things have been kind of hectic around here (lately? yeah, right). The title says brother and sisters which might be confusing at first. As appealing as that might sound, no I am not pregnant with twins or triplets. Or pregnant at all for that matter. In Serbian we refer to first cousins as brothers and sisters (by aunt/uncle) so the title refers to my sister's visit a few weeks ago with her two kids and tons of fun that the three of them, Jana, Pavle and Una had together. They visited us last year about the same time but this visit was way more relaxed and easier on everyone since they are 3.5years, 20months and 15 months old now instead of 2.5years, 10 months and 5 months. Jana is now the sweetest little girl who left toddler tantrums behind (well, almost completely), Pavle is the gentlest little boy you've ever met and Una is, well, still Una :).

It was wonderful to watch them bond, play together, tease each other... When I see that it always makes me sad that they will not be growing up close to each other. And it was wonderful seeing my sister again and this time actually being able to spend some quality time just the two of us. We realised how much the kids enjoyed each other's company when Jana threw a tantrum the day before they left (one of few during the whole visit) that she didn't want to go home and when Una spent the whole day after they left looking for the two of them in every room of the house.
So here is to brothers and sisters and many many years of love, friendship and mischief that lay ahead of them.
And some photos...
Srpska verzija ce biti znatno kraca jer ne moram da objasnjavam sta su braca i sestre po tetki/ujaku/stricu... Tina, Jana i Pavle su bili kod nas pre par nedelja i bilo nam je sjajno. U istom sastavu su bili i skoro godinu dana ranije ali je razlika izmedju tog dolaska i ovog bila ogromna. Tad su svo troje bili prakticno bebe i ma koliko nam je bilo divno sto smo svi zajedno, ruku na srce bilo je i jako naporno. Ovaj put je bilo potpuno drugacije, Jana je izrasla u divnu, razumnu devojcicu, Pavle je najpitomiji deckic koga ste ikad upoznali a Una je, hm, i dalje Una :). I stvarno je bilo divno gledati ih kako se igraju, zadirkuju... I bilo je sjajno sto smo Tina i ja ovaj put provele par kvalitetnih sati zajedno, bez neprestanih "nemoj", "sidji sa frizidera", "ne cupaj lutki glavu" itd. I ukapirali smo koliko im je bilo super zajedno kad je Jana dan pred odlazak pocela da se buni da nece kuci i kad ih je Una posle odlaska danima trazila iz sobe u sobu.
I obavezne fotografije...
Aren't we just the coolest? / Zar nismo cool?
Love Jana's way/Ljubav na Janin nacin
Behaving in the coffeeshop/Mnogo smo dobri u kaficu
Red or green crayon?/Zelena ili crvena boja?

Thinking hard or Like mama and daddy like daugther :)/Ne ide iver daleko od klade

Celebrating Tristin's birth with blue and white muisjes (Dutch tradition)/Slavimo Tristin-ovo rodjenje na holandski nacin

In front of De Nieuwe Kerk (The New Church) in Delft/Ispred Nieuwe Kerk (nova crkva) u Delftu

1 comment:

Branix said...

Kakva uzivancija sa rodjacima. Pavle je vec veliki! A ovo je jos u ljeto jel tako? Fenomenalno!