Monday 25 August 2008

As though there was ever any doubt.../Ono sto ste vec svi znali...

Mark - ca. 1978

Una - ca. 2008

Mark - ca. 1978

Una - ca. 2008

She will have my charming personality though, right :)?
To be honest, this is what worries Mark and I most. Mark deems that one of me is more than enough in this world and I dread my Mum's predicament that it will all come back to me when I have a daughter just like me...
Bitno je da ima moj karakter, zar ne?
Iskreno receno, toga se Mark i ja najvise i plasimo. Mark misli da je jedan primerak mene sasvim dovoljan a i ja se plasim maminog prorocanstva da ce mi se sve vratiti kad jednog dana budem imala cerku kao ja...


Janine said...

They look so much a like, wow!Although I do think that Una is cuter, sorry Mark!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is crazy!

I'm not sure Milo looks so much like either one of us. Genetics are amazing!

Caitlin said...

This is so funny! Great pictures that really show the similiarites.

Branix said...

Jelo don't get me wrong but there is nothing bad in looking like Mark. It would be pretty suspicious if she was blond though ;-D